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Mind, Body & Spirit

Tuning Forks

Janine works with the Tuning Fork Sets......


Reiki utilises the presence of universal life force energy or Ki/Chi, to support the body......

HelioSol System

The HelioSol System is an approach to shifting a person’s perspective in life, tailored specifically to them....

First Light Flower Essences of NZ

These essences may come up as a priority as part of the session........

Understanding In-Person Online, or Distance Remote Sessions

Animal Sessions 

Janine is also available for sessions for any kind of animal...........

Janine uses a combination of complimentary modalities to


Health       WellBeing       Self Empowerment

Meet Janine

Janine is a Certified Practitioner of both BodyTalk, and also the more advanced PaRama BodyTalk, and is a Reiki Master Practitioner in Ushui Reiki, and a Master Teacher in Karuna Reiki.....


BodyTalk is complimentary, Body-Mind Whole Healthcare. It doesn't just treat the symptom - but looks at the whole person .....

PaRama BodyTalk

PaRama is an advanced BodyTalk System. It goes far deeper into the inner workings of the body mind complex.....

Janine Stokes LOGO - What does it Mean?

The spiral is the NZ Koru, which is a symbol of personal growth, positive change, new life and harmony. It represents the client and their journey of opening up into awakening, bringing this new life and purity. The Koru also represents peace, nurturing, tranquility and spirituality along with a strong sense of re growth or new beginnings. 

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